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The content contained in the website is in accord with the knowledge, understanding and wisdom, even revelation, given to me by my Wise and Wonderful Counselor, The Spirit of Truth, even The Truth, The Word of The God, JESUS, The Christ.  All that is written revolves around my Christian faith – what I see, what I read, what I hear, what I know, what I believe in, what I trust in and what I hope for.  The truths contained in The Holy Scriptures are my prism, my only prism, when I am in flight watching and looking down into the darkness, the whole world, the whole demonic world – that Great Red Dragon.  I watch, I read, I hear and I write!  In fact, I am The Reader.

Therefore, while not being of a defamatory or libelous nature, the content may be highly offensive and even dangerous to demons and those souls carried along by them.  For there is a high likelihood of exposure.  And, I know that exposure is something that demons and their king try to avoid at all costs.  They understand that staying hidden is a very powerful weapon used in lulling others into their growing and enchanting kingdom.

As you might know, exposure comes most often when they open their mouths, when they reveal themselves.  Mute spirits are more difficult to discern, but their silence like a lie can sometimes speak volumes.

Now, if you are one of those souls being carried along by a weaker demon, your worse fear might easily overcome you.  You might find yourself wanting to bow down on your knees to JESUS, The Christ, and worship The Son of The God in spirit and in truth, early, before that time comes.  Make no mistake, that time is coming, and it is coming soon.  Even, asking Him for the gift of a true exorcism, a complete baptism by Him, one of those with The Holy Spirit and with fire.  Know and understand this – that fire is truth!

My friend, if you are one of those souls, it is my hope that you quickly receive the love of the truth, The Truth, in order for you to be saved.  As it is written, “If as many as I might love, I rebuke and discipline; therefore be zealous and repent.”  JESUS wants you to overcome that Great Red Dragon, to open your door unto Him as He is knocking, to let Him enter into your being and for the two of you to have perfect communion, to be ONE.

Finally, know and understand this – I love you, and what I write I write for you.  And, what is written is written with the greatest of all love - perfect love.  And, not only that, I am praying for you.

JESUS is The Lord – Christ Crucified!!!  Amen.



Now, I know that The Second Angel is a strong and humble man with an unwavering faith in JESUS CHRIST and yet, he is a sinful man like me.  Truly, a man of God, a child of God and most assuredly, a member of The Body of Christ, The Christ, JESUS, The One and Only Son of God, The Lamb of God.  Understand the cost, but The Second Angel will have a following, a church, an angel, the size of which he cannot yet imagine.  For this prophet will truly be ordained by JESUS, The Christ, and he will preach and teach in the succession of The Apostle Peter.  Not being a demon, he will preach and teach in truth as those things are given to him by and through The Christ.  For he will be a prophet of JESUS - a mouth of JESUS!  Full of truth and not one lie will be found in his mouth.  This, I promise, for it has already been written.  So, be watching and hearing and praying.  You know your time to come is coming.  Keep The Deposit of Faith!!!  Amen.


Steven John is my spiritual, my angelic name given to me for my journey down here in the lower region of The Church and out into the demonic world.  Few people have ever heard of me, but the name was first spoken by my father for no known reason when I was very young.  My mother and my sister heard it.  I have been told that my mother fought for part of it, years before I was conceived through my parents.

I have no memory of a time in my life when I did not love JESUS and receive Him and trust in Him as a friend, believing all that I heard about Him from my dear and loving family and from those at our church in The Heart of Texas.  Growing up, boots on, roaming the quiet woods, just me with BB gun in hand, seeing a warring Comanche or German soldier hiding amongst the trees alongside the creek full of crawdads, or riding my sweet Daisy, my trusty steed, I suppose, me being like most little boys, my mother was my first love; her being a most loving and peaceful and gentle and nourishing spirit.

Now, all the while and really even until this day, unless I just missed it, no one ever told me the truth about my spiritual mother.  It is like she had vanished or fled into the wilderness.  I heard about her painful history and much more about her greatest Son and my big Brother, but no one ever told me why I should love her and pray for her and care for her and support her.

But, The Word of God came to me and spoke to me and said that her name is ISRAEL, and that you must love her, or else.  Knowing The Christ, knowing that He is unyielding by His very nature, I understood what was necessary for my spirit and my soul, and I quickly repented.  While The Christ is full of grace and truth, He is unyielding.  If you believe otherwise about Him, I recommend that you quickly study what was told to the angels of The Seven Churches.  You either believe it or you don’t – PERIOD!!!

No, I am not a Jew.  Both sides of my Gentile family departed not so very long ago from the German-speaking lands where they hung my father’s Christian grandparents in their front yard and almost hung his Christian father too.  He being a teenager, but old enough to suffer persecution unto death, he was told to run away with his little brother and sister through the farming fields.  And, he came to America and eventually became a naturalized citizen.

Nevertheless, to this day, as passed down to me, I remain very proud of my German heritage.  I have only fond memories of all my German- speaking and thick-accented and German-doing family before me.  I have never forgotten the words of instruction given to me long ago when I was a very young man, given to me by my mother’s father, “Live a life of endurance.”  I took his words to heart.

If there is ever a body of souls in this world truly deserving of reparations, it is those of ISRAEL, those of every tribe of The Sons of ISRAEL.  Another body of souls, which is of the world and is full of many demons would be wise to quickly pay heed and take up the matter – the matter to fully support ISRAEL and to help her eliminate all those who hate her and try to destroy her.  Recalling The Lord and The Battle of Jericho, everyone needs to get on the right side of this.  You have not one clue, no understanding whatsoever as to the great and increasing power of The Archangel Michael.  May The Lord quickly rebuke all those who hate and despise ISRAEL, bringing down great destruction on them as they have no part, no part whatsoever, in The Body of The Christ.  In fact, I can already begin to feel the tremors of the coming of a great earthquake.

If by some way you can crawl out of your dark pit of blindness, perhaps you can come to know and understand this truth - the truth regarding that portion of the lands that The Lord gave to The Tribe of Judah.  For The Lord said, “And I give to you and your descendants after you - the land in which you are a stranger – All The Land of Canaan as an everlasting possession and I will be their God.”  Regardless of whether or not they have any love in their hearts for The Living God, and most assuredly, they have absolutely no fear of Him, the Muslims know about these words of promise from The LORD.  They have read His words, but disregard them and treat them as rubbish.

Unless you are of those who rewrites history to suit your own lies and tales, The City of Gaza and much more, even the little town, The Town of Bethlehem, is in that portion that The LORD gave.  Do you not know about JESUS being born in The City of David and all that that implies?  I have always struggled with why the many hate JESUS so very much, but I know that He told us it would be so in the very last days of the age.  And, it is!!!

Nevertheless, to this day, by the will of God, His will alone, and by and through the power of His Word and His Spirit, all and everything being the workmanship of The ONE, not mine, I continue to have a child-like faith in JESUS, hanging onto His words and promises.  I do not question what is written in all The Holy Scriptures for all that is written has been given, unless otherwise indicated in those scriptures, by The Spirit of The Word of God, The Spirit of Truth, The Spirit of The Christ, starting with those books of Moses, a prophet of The Living God, and ending with those books of John, a prophet of The Living God and one of The Sons of Thunder.

And, most assuredly, like the many others, those things given to The Apostle Paul, The Apostle Peter and The Apostle James, him also being one of The Sons of Thunder.  From all of them, I am convinced with not one single doubt, no doubts whatsoever, that JESUS is The Son of God, The Lamb of God, The Messiah, The Christ, The Word of God, and all that that implies.  Also, The High Priest, The ONE who has sat down at the right hand of The Throne of The Majesty in the heavens.  As it has been written, “But these have been written that you may believe that JESUS is The Christ, The Son of God, and that believing, you may have life in His name.”  JESUS!  JESUS!  JESUS!

Now, The Word of God was present at the beginning.  In fact, The Word was with God, and The Word was God.  All of creation, the whole universe came into being through Him, through that spoken word – “let”.  Truly, He is The Word of the universe and all that is in it.  Even, the ages were made through Him.  All and everything revolves around The Word of God, The Living God.  For there is no greater or higher light than The Word of God in all of His creation.  There will never be and cannot be.  Never will there be a shadow on Him, never a shadow of change.  As it is written, “Ever good act of giving and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from The Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shadow of shifting.”  What a throne!!!  You either believe it or you don’t - PERIOD!!! 

Therefore, it is our duty to obey Him in all things and in all places.  Listen to JESUS, The Word of God for He is The Truth.  He is full of truth.  Know and understand this - The Living God has plans for each of us, and those plans go back to the beginning.

Now, some of the scriptures, which I hope you are reading and studying each and every day to help secure your salvation, the life of your soul, can be perplexing.  Nevertheless, there resides hidden truths concerning the very last days of the age in those scriptures.  As you read and study, it might be helpful to know and understand this – the testimony of JESUS is The Spirit of Prophecy.  This is like a key to open a locked door.  And, not only that, the testimony of JESUS is The Word of God for JESUS is The Amen, The Faithful and True Witness, The Beginning of The Creation of God.

I have come to the realization, that there are no coincidences in life – the daily events of everything and everyone happen for a purpose, all of it coming together and happening in its own time, His time.  You may think that you can control time, but you can’t.  And, most assuredly, you cannot control the climate of the world.  You can pray to The Living God about it, but you cannot control it.  The Holy Scriptures tell us much about God-time, even the coming of the very last days of this age.  If you have been watching as Jesus instructed you to do, you can see it all happening.  Even, that very first prophecy is coming into view.

JESUS gave me the confirmation verse of Matthew 21:22 – knowing that someday I would speak to a mountain.  I love His Church, His Bride.  She is my family.  Those outside His Church are not my family.  Now, I am not selfishly speaking about just that little church in The Piney Woods, which I go to each Sunday to worship and to give and to receive and to learn.  I have grown to love her so very much that I am willing to lay down my life for her.  In truth, my time to speak has come.  I have been watching and I have been reading and I have been hearing!

Over the years, highs and lows, failures and victories, at times being very shameful, sometimes being very, very shameful, even suffering a divorce from my first wife in The Natural State, but by and through His grace, I survived and even more than that, I matured.  Being The Word of God, He, JESUS remained faithful when I was not faithful.  While I always remained very far from faithless, I did not always live as a true follower of Jesus.

But finally, JESUS transformed me into a true follower, and all that that implies – the things of lawlessness no longer being appealing to me.  As it is written, “But solid food is for the mature, the ones by constant use having trained the senses for distinguishing both good and evil.”  It was a process, but looking back, I know it was His process for me and for a special purpose; His purpose for my being, for my soul, even for the life of my soul.

Not too many years ago, while diligently searching The Holy Scriptures, The Scriptures of The Living God, for help and answers, and most assuredly, for JESUS, The Truth, something happened to me one Saturday morning.  My wife witnessed it and I felt it.  It felt like my brain was being mixed at the highest speed of a blender.  Then, I felt great love, especially for my precious and loving wife, and great joy, but my wife saw great darkness, even hatred in my eyes.  I am certain that she witnessed darkness being swallowed up by The Spirit of The Christ; the darkness of the world being cast out from me.  I think something like an exorcism by JESUS because I was forever changed - peace and no more fear.  I often recall the words of John the Baptist.

Since then, I have earnestly tried to wear the complete armor of God and, most assuredly, to carry The Shield of Faith in all times and in all places – knowing that the day was coming.  And, as that day is coming in these very last days of the age, I will be wielding The Sword of The Spirit – cutting to pieces.  You may even witness the weeping and gnashing of teeth.  Soon!

By and through The Holy Scriptures and The Spirit of the Lamb of God who lives in me, I came to know His will, the will of God, the will of The Living God, for me.  By and through the help of The Spirit of the Lamb of God, The Christ, I intend to do my duty, my purpose for being conceived.  Knowing His mission for me, I have to be a zealot for His Household, ALL of His Household.  His Household now consumes me as I know The Kingdom is under great attack.

Speaking as to ALL of His Household, no longer can I be a silent bystander sitting on my hands in my pew as His Household is invaded by the demons of this world and the clueless, unhinged souls running wildly to The Altar to eat and drink of and from a different spirit – no examination whatsoever of themselves and their lifestyles.  This is all highly offensive and very shameful, and not in accord with The Holy Scriptures.  Not only in my eyes, but in the eyes of The Lord.

Unbelief and disobedience and lies and blasphemy in the leadership within The Church are the very roots of it, yet it starts at the top.  It starts in Rome.  And, it is all becoming very apparent as these very last days of the age come upon us.  Can you not see and hear where they are trying to lead The Body of The Christ?  Open your eyes!  Perhaps, you need to clean out your ears and hear with understanding.  They are trying to lead The Body of The Christ to join the demonic world.  They want you to join them and have communion with that other spirit – The Spirit of Falsehood.

With it all growing and soon coming to fruition, the strong and faithful men of The Church must rise up and uproot those unwilling to die unto The Word of God, casting them out.  Cast them out and let them have full communion with the world and its head.  No longer let them enter through the doors of His Bride.

Yes, I say MEN for I believe what The Christ told us in The Holy Scriptures through His apostle, The Apostle Paul.  The Christ told us about His plans for men and women, and His orderly plans for His Church in order that His Household would be united and not divided.  Foolish men and woman have been disobedient and caused division.  And, in this, I have no intention, no intentions whatsoever, of being unfaithful to such an obvious directive of His.  The Christ is The God of Law and Order and He expects us to obey what has been said and written for the benefit of The Church, His Bride.  Why do you want to divide The Church with such foolishness and nonsense?  Punishment is awaiting those of such lawlessness.  For The Christ gave time for repentance, but now stands ready to rebuke – these are no longer a part of The Body of The Christ.  The time of unity and perfection is at hand.

If you have doubts, read what was told to the angel of The Church in Thyatira.  Know and understand this – the sexual immorality and to eat things sacrificed to idols is symbolism for the necessary things and things of abstinence.  For better understanding of this symbolism, I encourage you to read and study that other book of Luke - The Book of Acts.

No, I will not be a part of such blasphemy of The Words given by The Holy Spirit to His Church.  Surely, you have read that The Christ hates the works of the Nicolaitans.  As for me, no way, no how!  I would quickly depart from those desiring to have communion with that other spirit.  For The Body of The Christ is an exclusive body surrounded by a great wall and with guarded gates.  Have you not read about those outside?  As it is written, “Outside are the dogs, and the sorcerers, and the sexually immoral, and the murders, and the idolaters, and everyone loving and practicing falsehood.”  

This all has to be said, and it has to be said in a way as to wake you from your slumber.  Do you not want the second coming of The Christ?  Are you afraid of His coming?  I am not afraid of His coming and, not only that, I welcome it!  I am willing to die for it.

Then, by and through The Spirit of the Lamb of God, who lives in me, I came to know His will, the will of God, the will of The Living God, for me.   By and through the help of The Spirit of the Lamb of God, I intend to do my duty, my purpose for being conceived.  I have grown to be a zealot for His Kingdom.   And now, even becoming a terror of demons.   We know from The Holy Scriptures that we all need to move forward to get hotter, much hotter, than lukewarm.

By the will of God, I am a member of The Body of The Christ, a member of The Communion of Saints.  Regarding that body, I no greater and I am no lesser than another member.   For I am keenly aware that I am a sinner.   I sin often, each hour of the day and into the night.   I am in need of God’s love, mercy, grace and forgiveness each and every day.  And all that, I richly receive through the body and blood of Jesus - feeding off of The Bread of Life, The Word of God, The Truth, and drinking from The Spiritual Rock, The Christ, The Life-Giving Spirit.  Jesus is The High Priest of the New Covenant.  Thereby, being One with my brothers and sisters in The Christ, those other spirits of His Household.  And, not only with them, but also with The One in heaven and those Saints in heaven on The Altar.

Jesus is The Lord!!!  He is my Lord and my Savior, and He provides me peace with I AM, The Living God, The One in Heaven - The Father, The Word and The Holy Spirit.  He is Yahweh, The God of The Living, The God of Abraham, The God of Isaac and The God of Jacob.

Follow me as I follow Him on my journey.   It will be a most rewarding journey.

In a very real way, my precious wife, my gift, my soulmate, is the first casualty in all this.  We loved each other too much, and Jesus knew it.  He knew it when he brought us together making us one, washing each other.  I told her she would someday be the mother of many.  My Lord, let it be!!!

Please pray for me, as I pray for you.  And, keep yourself from idols.  Amen.